其实,笔者还是写了一点文字,尽管当时并没有用中文在科学网上谈论此事,但是,英文博文于2009年7月7日在UPI Asia上发表,当然,笔者并没有提及鸿飞兄的名字。文末笔者发问:新近海归是否在若干年后面临鸿飞兄同样的选择再次出海?现在全文刊载于后:
Will returnees to China exit again?
A friend of mine recently moved from a premium research institution in Beijing to a national laboratory run by the United States Department of Energy in Washington state.
Our lives had crossed as we went to the same school in the United States around the same time, but we got to know each other only in recent years. He was recruited back to China upon finishing his post-doctoral stint.
While doing reasonably well in his research specialty -- otherwise he would not have caught the attention of his current employer, which recruits talent globally – he had not been respected as he should have been in China.
He is a candid person and not afraid of saying what he thinks, especially about research and education in China, about which he has had firsthand experience and many insights. On many occasions his comments are so straightforward as to make people uncomfortable.
There are many scholars and professionals in China like my friend. Their return to China has shown their loyalty to their motherland in the first place. They not only introduce good practices into China according to their overseas experience, but also hope to improve the country’s research and education enterprises on par with the international standard. They voice their concerns and criticize the system whenever they find an error, which is like tiny sand in their eyes.
However, in many cases such concerns have been considered dissent. These people’s genuine desire to make China have significant impact in research and education in the world has been ignored at best. Their academic achievements have not been judged with respect.
Returnees such as my friend may not have lost all hope, but they often do seek opportunities elsewhere or give their careers in China a second thought.
This reminds me of Albert O. Hirschman’s book, “Exit, Voice, and Loyalty: Responses to Decline in Firms, Organizations, and States.” In this classic, Hirschman addresses the question of how an organization declines as a result of the exit of its loyal members whose criticism of wrongdoings is ignored.
In any organization, if its loyal members have the opportunity to voice their opinions for the betterment of the organization, the members will continue to maintain their loyalty. If they have exhausted all such means and their loyalty is questioned, they will feel desperate and even betrayed. They probably then have no choice but to depart.
In the case of my friend, he seemed to feel it was no use making efforts to improve China’s research and education system. Instead of wasting time and energy engaging in things unlikely to yield meaningful outcomes, calling it quits was both reasonable and easy.
During the peak of the Cultural Revolution, some Taiwanese students went to mainland China after graduating from U.S. universities. While a couple of them still work in China and even have been elected prestigious members of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, several soon determined that they would not fit into the Chinese system and left.
Unfortunately, many scholars such as my friend, who made similar decisions to return to China many years ago, choose to exit again. Recent years have witnessed more outstanding Chinese returning from overseas to take advantage of a booming economy and attractive opportunities. Will some of them exit again in the years to come?
"Will returnees to China exit again?"的链接为:http://upiasia.com/Society_Culture/2009/07/07/will_returnees_to_china_exit_again/4137/
这些不是笔者的创新,而是出自赫希曼(Albert Hirschman)1970年出版的一本小书,现在已经是经典。作为经济学家,赫氏研究的是人们面对购买商品或参加组织的多种选择。
而研究中国科学技术政策的苏迈德(Richard P. Suttmeier)教授在1987年的一篇文章中最早将此说引入对中国知识分子的分析。